Tuesday 22 April 2008

Cómo se pronucia esta palabra?

Hola nuestros amigos y extraños! Nosotros esperamos que vosotros estáis bien. Mi guapa esposa Kate y me aprendemos español, pero muy despacio. Encuentemos la pronunciation de ciertos letras sumamente difícl, especialmente 'c', 'j', 'll', 'b', 'v' y 'g'. Plantea nos un problema pourque la palabra que significa "beer" se escribe "cerveza".

So, as you can see Kate and I are learning Spanish, and, as you may have divined from the above, it's not easy. The fact that we'd started learning Italian first is making it harder as many of the words are very similar, except in the crucially important differences.

Still we've managed to learn all the important phrases, namely:

No hablo español - I don't speak spanish

No comprendo - I don't understand

Puede hablar más despacio, por favour? - Can you speak more slowly please?

Tiene algún plato vegetariano? - do you have any vegetarian dishes?

Cómo se dice "we're tired and hungry, please help us"? - How do you say "estamos cansados y tengamos mucha hambre, ayuda nos por favour"?

and of course...

Nos trae dos cervezas, por favour? - Can we have two beers please?

If we can ever learn to pronounce "cervezas" without drowning the waiter in spittle - it must be the only word in the world where having a lisp would be an aid to pronunciation....

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