Latinos are highly sociable beings in my experience and in that vein, La Casita hosts a number of spin-off family parties to keep the group love alive through the year and celebrate a few of the more important cultural events in the Hispanic calendar. One example being the El Dia del Muerte, as mentioned in a previous blog and, a couple of days ago, a fiesta to celebrate El Dia de los Reyes.
For Spanish children, the main present-giving date in the Christmas calendar is Epiphany, January the 6th, when the star-following Three Wise Men turned up with their gifts for the infant Jesus Christ. In Spain it's a huge event and we witnessed the massive parade they put on in Madrid (less than three weeks before the birth of our daughter, as it turned out) where sweets were flung out to the eagerly waiting children (who used stepladders and upturned umbrellas to maximise their catching ability, much to our amusement).
The fiesta put on to mark the occasion by La Casita in Bristol was a far more modest affair, but endearingly Spanish in its friendly but slightly chaotic atmosphere. From the momentary panic that they didn't have enough Kings for the all-important present giving (Theo narrowly escaped being drafted in when other amenable dads stepped in to take on the roles); the determined singing of some Spanish carols by one brave soul while most of the children point-blank refused to join in; the wonderfully hilarious "ninos buenos" speech given by (Caspar? Melchior? Balthazar?) before the gift giving; to the meat-dominated fare in the buffet and the merciful presence of some authentic Spanish turron.
After unwrapping her gift and giving her new book a cursory glance, she spent the rest of the party either running into the kitchen at every opportunity (she was fascinated with the lock on one of the cupboard doors and demanded Theo's keys so she could try and open it); munching a few carefully-chosen items from the buffet; or plonking herself meaningfully in front of a family with loaded plates in the hope they might offer her a biscuit or piece of cake. Theo and I were partly mortified and partly entertained by that last stunt. We have to hand it to our little girl, she's got some chutzpah.