Since the first post on this subject, we have discovered a shop in Madrid which sells organic baby food that isn't loaded with unnecessary added salt and/or sugar (UK-made). But it's heinously expensive, so definitely only for emergency situations.
Luckily, after initial despair that Rosie would never condescend to eat the pureed preparations lovingly crafted for her by her Daddy, she soon started to respond more willingly when they were offered. Not to absolutely everything you understand, but as Theo got the hang of baby cuisine and sussed what Rosie's palate would be more likely to accept, we had more hits than misses.
Fruity stuff goes down well, not surprisingly, as do concoctions involving lentils and chick-peas - providing they're well spiced with ginger and/or Garam Masala. Orange stuff is usually preferred over green stuff, but green stuff is deemed acceptable if sexed up with added fruit. Greek yoghurt - taken plain or with added fruit - is an ongoing favourite.
If dining gets too onerous and Rosie's tolerance levels become exhausted, there's always a fall-back position: the Mummy And Daddy In-house Cabaret. See below for details. Then you can always sneak in a spoonful or two while she's distracted by the live entertainment.
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