After spending a comfortable night in Sheena at a services just outside Limoges, we made good time to our ferry in Dieppe, arriving with enough time for a siesta in a leafy layby and spend ages sitting in the queue waiting to be loaded. The crossing was incredibly smooth - we've yet to have a rough one (famous last words) and we actually arrived in Newhaven early. Which was lucky as they took ages unloading us as well. 
My old school friend Thom lives just ten minutes from Newhaven in the beautiful village of Glynde, from where he takes the train to his teaching job in nearby Brighton. We spent an amiable evening with him in his charming country cottage and were treated the next morning to a gorgeous and hot English summer's day. We were in no hurry to hit the motorway again, so when Thom suggested a walk in the Sussex Downs behind his house we were quick to agree. We were treated to fabulous views at the top of the hill, then descended past Glyndebourne Opera House, fields of alpaccas looking rather odd shorn of their coats and a rather friendly and majestic camel. 
My old school friend Thom lives just ten minutes from Newhaven in the beautiful village of Glynde, from where he takes the train to his teaching job in nearby Brighton. We spent an amiable evening with him in his charming country cottage and were treated the next morning to a gorgeous and hot English summer's day. We were in no hurry to hit the motorway again, so when Thom suggested a walk in the Sussex Downs behind his house we were quick to agree. We were treated to fabulous views at the top of the hill, then descended past Glyndebourne Opera House, fields of alpaccas looking rather odd shorn of their coats and a rather friendly and majestic camel.
No ordinary country walk! Sadly that was about the only perfect day weather-wise we've had since landing back in the UK, though the novelty of rain and overcast skies still hasn't quite worn off!
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